Add and view reported issues
- Assign and prioritize issues.
- Access up-to-date data and make any additions or edits even while underground.
- Record information once and sync updates to an online central portal.
Record data on the go
- Interactive mine map which allows users to record information using map markers.
- With custom marker types and the ability to attach photos and videos, the app allows for many use cases.
- The data is available on the app as a map, list or desktop using the web portal.
Track and view statuses
- Capture data once in the field for ongoing tracking without the need to re-record.
- Simply select a location, add a marker, assign a priority and take photos on the job to provide a clearer picture of the issue at hand.
- Annotate photos to communicate specific details.
Information is always available
- All activity information is still available to the operator even when offline.
- Continue capturing production data for syncing later.
Information is always available
- All activity information is still available to the operator even when offline.
- Continue capturing production data for syncing later.
Manage data from a central location
- Manage data from underground or with access on the desktop using the the Web Portal.
- Data can be exported from a desktop or from mobile device underground.