Terms of Use
This website is owned, published and managed by Deswik Mining Consultants (Australia) Pty Ltd ACN 130 036 832 (our, us or we).
We make the information, products and services available on this website subject to the following terms of use. By accessing this website, you agree to be bound by these terms of use. Please read them carefully. If you do not agree to these terms of use, you should immediately exit the website. We reserve the right to change these terms of use at any time without notice and any amendments will be published on this website.
Intellectual Property Rights
Elements of this website, including the layout and trade dress, may be protected by copyright, trade marks or other laws and may not be replicated by you, except as specifically permitted. You obtain no interest in the intellectual property rights in this website.
The information on this website is protected by copyright. Except as specifically permitted, no portion of this website may be reproduced without our authorization in writing.
We are happy for you to view, print and copy information publicly available on this website provided it is to be used for informational and personal or non-commercial purposes, or is otherwise permitted by law. Any printed or copied document must not be modified in any way.
Trade Marks
The DESWIK word and logo marks are trade marks owned by Deswik Software Systems Pty Ltd ACN 136 642 487 and are licensed by us. Unless stated otherwise, you may not use the DESWIK word and logo marks without our authorization. Nothing displayed on this website should be construed as granting a license to use any trade mark owned or licensed by us.
Other registered trade marks may appear on this website from time to time and are proprietary to their respective owners. The use of any such trade mark on this website is not intended to indicate any association with or endorsement by the owner of that trade mark.
Third party websites
This website may contain links to third party websites. The linked sites are not under our control and we are not responsible for the content of any linked website. The presence of links does not amount, expressly or impliedly, to any endorsement of those websites or the products or services provided there.
We are providing these links as a convenience and your access to those websites and use of the products and services is solely at your own risk. You should read the terms and conditions applying to the use of those websites.
5. Use of Software and Client Portal
The software products available on this website are owned or licensed by us, unless otherwise stated.
Use of our software is governed by our End User License Agreement (EULA). You will not be able to use, download or install any of our software unless you have entered into a EULA with us.
Where a software update is being provided by us, the software will be governed by the EULA unless we provide you with a license that accompanies the specific update. Where a third party software product is being supplied by us, the software will be governed by the license that accompanies the third party product.
Access to and use of the client portal is governed by the Portal Terms & Conditions. You will not be able to access or use our Client Portal until you have read and accepted the Portal Terms & Conditions.
6. Availability of our products and services
This website may be accessed from countries around the world. Our products and services may not be available in your country unless specifically stated or the content on the website indicates otherwise. If you would like further information on our products or services, please contact us.
We make no representation that the information, products or services offered on this website are appropriate for use in any particular location or that they comply with any legal or regulatory requirements of such locations. If you choose to access this website you do so at your own risk and on your own initiative and are responsible for compliance with local laws, to the extent those local laws are applicable.
7. Disclaimer
Our website is provided on an ‘as is’ and ‘as available’ basis for information purposes only. The content of this website is subject to change without notice. We make no representation that the content of the website is accurate, complete or, to the extent permitted at law, suitable for a particular purpose. You must rely on your own judgment.
While we invest in security measures to protect our website and the integrity of anything you download or upload to our website, given the nature of the internet we do not promise that the website or any files available on the website are error-free or free from viruses or other corrupting programs or that you will have uninterrupted access to or use of the website.
To the maximum extent permitted by law, we, and our officers, employees, contractors, agents and licensors disclaim any and all responsibility and liability in respect of our website and any loss or damage suffered or incurred in connection with your access to and use of our website.
8. Compliance with laws
You must not use this website for any purpose or in any way which is unlawful. If you access this website you do so on your own initiative and at your sole risk. You are responsible for compliance with applicable laws.
9. Privacy Policy
Use of this website is subject to our Privacy Policy. For further information about how we collect, hold and use your personal information, refer to our Privacy Policy or contact our Privacy Officer.
10. Governing law
These terms of use will be governed by the laws of the state of Queensland, Australia and you agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the state of Queensland.