Design drillhole plans quickly
- Intuitive manual or automatic layout of drillholes with relation to design and existing voids.
- Set design parameters for parallel or fanned holes including fixed toe spacing, collar spacing or angle changes.
Build responsive designs
- Update hole layouts against survey and design changes, change the drill rig or reverse the drill look direction.
- Copy designs between rings – the new design automatically adjusts to the profile of the next ring slice.
Design charge plans quickly
- Define charge holes and primer locations including customizable decking layouts with multiple explosive products.
- Set blast timing for holes in various patterns and sequences and animate the resultant blast.
Create and edit plots with ease
- Plot any combination of plan and section views for ring, winze and breakthrough designs.
- Rapidly set up plot templates with tables referencing key design information that updates for each plotted ring design.
Export for machine or survey
- Export to IREDES data format and upload the design directly to the drill rig.
- Underground metals development, narrow-vein stopes, tabular deposits and backfill.
- Distribute ring designs and laser lines to surveyors in either DXF or CSV formats.
Better blast estimates
- Slice the original stope solid against a ring layout or generate directly from the ring designs.
- Interrogate the blast solids directly and report against the physical values in a plot.